Ministry Update Letter

April 2022, Susan N. Maina, Executive Director

My Loss and Grief

 Indeed God is good; I am a living example of His goodness; He has sustained me in all situation; the hardest being the untimely death of my Dad due to Covid-19 complications. Thank-you family and friends for being present at my hour of need, your presence, prayers, financial and moral support were timely gifts; may God richly bless you.                                                    

Dad’s are special gifts; my siblings, our children and I are forever grateful we had the best of Dad’s/ grandfather. (RIP Dad) 

Through our loss and grief God has been good; Mama and all of us are doing pretty well.  

God’s grace has been sufficient as I braved an uncertain transitional journey through closed and open doors, that has lead to my now new season

A view of women weekly fellowship. Buyende District.

A view of women weekly fellowship.

Buyende District

Ways you can bless us…

Praying with us for:

  1. Wisdom, Good health, Protection, Provision  

  2. Supporting us financially, a dollar is a priceless gift to us

  3. Purchase gifts from our platforms 

  4. Come serve along side us

  5. Send us care packages 

  6. Share our story as the Lord leads

  7. Contact us

Beautiful Endings 

May 24,2021 brought a beautiful ending to my 18yrs of ministry with Arise Africa International. Looking back I am full of gratitude to all I witnessed God accomplish through the years. Thank-you so much Arise Africa Family, my global friends and my family for your love and support over the years. Your love was a blessing to me; in return with Gods help I will choose to love and be a blessing to others as God will lead and enable me.

Beautiful Beginnings

October 18,2021 brought a new beginning; Pambazuka Ministries was incorporated in Uganda, January 2022 Arise Africa Board of Directors realized me to take on a new role as the Managing Director for Pambazuka. Pambazuka is Swahili word for “Dawn”. Our name, vision, mission and objectives resonate from Isaiah 58:6-14.  

Milestones! All Glory to God’s. 

  1. 38 souls have been won to Christ and Mabya Community Church plant in Bundaka District.

  2. We are providing School fees to nine needy children (they are total orphans)

  3. We have the privilege to provide home-based care to three disabled (2adults and a seven year old girl), five teen moms, a single mum and eight elderly above 65yrs needing help.  

  4. Your monthly support has helped us empower a women fellowship and table banking in Buyende District.  

  5. God has blessed us with an incredible team of thirteen volunteers.

  6. We received $600 gift to purchase Bibles.

  7. We received web designing gift and a years hosting  (WIP)

  8. We have our pioneering fund raising project up and running  - please support our:

  1. Pambazuka Investments (u) Ltd

  2. Tiger project with Ash Hoffman Jewelry

  3. African Crafts @Eclectic Calio coming soon

2022-2027 Goal

Our 2022-2027 goal is to reach 6,464 households through door to door, film, schools, hospital, prison, healthcare and economic empowerment outreaches.  Our estimated budgets amounts to $146,491 annually. The vision is bigger than us; we are completely trusting God to write His own story. 

To all who talk, pray and give to us Asante Sana! May God richly bless you.

Pambazuka Ministries Uganda

Buyende District